Make a Booking

Discovery Call:

15 Minutes-Free

Interested in knowing how a nutritionist can help you? A discovery call is a free 15-minute chat to let you know about what I do and how I can help you.

Initial Consultation:

1 Hour- $160

Your first consultation is to discuss the reason for your visit and to help me to understand you, your health and nutrition goals and how I can support you in achieving these. I will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your nutritional needs and other factors based on the information you provide. We will work together to identify simple strategies to achieve both your short and long-term goals, including dietary and lifestyle changes and identification of potential barriers.

Follow Up Consultations:

30 Minutes- $90

Review sessions are designed to provide you with the ongoing support, monitoring, education and accountability to empower you to progress toward achieving your health goals.

Ready to Begin?

Are you ready to kick-start your health journey? Get in touch today!

Make a Booking